Well I love my job for many different reasons, one being that everyday is different you never know what to expect 😉  So spending the whole weekend shooting these legends was pretty much one of the best gigs yet!  I pretty much had tennis on my lap and it was the best seat in the house 😉
The event was so fantastic, put on by Dart and his team of dedicated staff at Camana Bay they were able to pull of one of the most popular events of the year.  There were an number of exciting things happening over the two days.  First we had some clinics ran by the pro’s Andy Roddick, Anna Kournikova, Jim Courier, Lindsay Davenport and Murphy Jensen.  As if this wasn’t subject enough there was a guest appearance from the legendary Sir Richard Branson 😉 Who played in a doubles game and certainly got the crowd going.
Aside from all of this awesomeness clinics were put on for local kids with Lindsay Davenport and Jim Courier.  Caymans Paralympic children’s team also had some great coaching from Murphy Jensen and he certainly had every single one of them laughing and loving the game it was a pleasure to see 😉
So not only was this such a great event for all the grown ups but so many of Caymans children got to hang and learn from the stars 😉 Priceless! From the thousands of shots I got here are a few that I felt really captures the awesome atmosphere from the weekend 😉