Oxana & David knew exactly what was the most important thing to take away from their wedding day… Photographs. Only on island for half a day as they were visiting on a cruise we made the most of the 4 hours we spent together. Its a funny story because 4 yeears ago I shot Oxana’s best friends wedding Traci & Marc. She saw their photographs and left all the booking and organizing to Traci. It was so nice to hear that Traci had searched for me so she could book me to shoot Oxanas big day too 😉 Oxana said she wanted exactly the same so just book it 😉 Spending 4 hours together is a great way to ensure we got to as many different locations in as possible before they departed. Meg from Octopus Events did the planning so the day ran super smoothly 😉 The weather held up just before I left then the skies opened but this only added to the variations of back drops we were lucky enough to experience starting with a huge rainbow 😉 blue sky then gorgeous moody clouds!
About amystrzalko1
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amystrzalko1 has contributed 286 entries to our website, so far.View entries by amystrzalko1